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  1. Hi Allen, how is your running doing?

    1. Hi Mel, well, I'm getting old and don't run as fast or as far as I used to, but I'm still moving. My goal is to keep moving until I'm 100 and then to play it by ear after that. 21 years to go!

  2. Hi Allen, How are you doing? After my Half Marathon(1:42) in Feb 2015 and a FM in Jan 2015 ( 4:14), I took a little bit easy on my running speed and distance. Again I restarted to my original pace, but developed pain on my left leg outer heel edge. I am not sure if it Plantar Fascitis.. it is very painful on my first few steps in the morning when I wake up. Tried to find solutions in the Internet. Tried stopping running for two weeks etc.. the pain vanishes but returns as soon as I start running. Do not want to go any doctor..Please advise your comments.

    1. Sorry, Raju, to hear about your injury. runninginjuryfree has some good information on plantar fascitis. Be sure you get new shoes every 500 miles. Try Arnica Gel to see if it helps with the pain. Try new inserts in your current shoes. Can you walk without pain? If so, do only walking while you're getting treatment/healing. I use Galloway's run/walk method. 20 seconds running and 40 seconds walking, repeated for the desired distance. If it were me, I would see a doctor because the pain returns if you run.

    2. One more comment. Run flat footed, that is, don't to a toe-strike or a heel-strike. You should run with little noise.

  3. Thanks for the advice. I will check the blog. I changed my shoes..Will update here when the pain is gone....

    1. Raju, you mentioned pain for a few steps when you first wake up. Does this imply that the pain diminishes as you continue walking? If so, try Rhus Tox homeopathic remedy. Rhus Tox is good for pain that diminishes with movement. Homeopathic remedies are diluted and need special attention. Take them an hour before you eat, brush teeth, or do anything that leaves a taste in your mouth, or wait for an hour after you eat, etc. before taking a remedy. Don't touch the remedy. Put it in the cap of the bottle and pop it in your mouth. Then use your tongue to move the remedy under your tongue and let it dissolve. You do all of this to avoid having oil from your finger or food or tooth paste from overshadowing the remedy.

  4. I enjoy running on the Jordan River Parkway. It is away from major roads and the exhaust pollution from cars. I see a lot of ducks, geese, birds of various kinds, and fox and deer. I lived in Massachusetts for 17 years and enjoyed running the back, rural roads. The Jordan River Parkway is the closest thing I've found in Utah to the New England back roads.

    1. Recent posts to my running blog at http://oldmanrunning.org have pictures of the Parkway near where I run.

  5. The pain diminishes as I start moving. Thanks for the advice with Rhus Toxic. I will try this.
    It is because of people like you and your blogs that we continue running to keep good health. I will see the pictures in your blog and thanks for sharing.
