November 8, 2014

Welcome to our Discussion Forum

This discussion forum is for runners and walkers of all ages and abilities. Have questions about your running or walking? This is the place to get good answers; Hang out with new friends; Share your experiences, positive and negative.

For almost two decades I hung out on a particular discussion forum and made a lot of new friends. We shared our experiences and learned from each other. That forum was truly a “home away from home”. However, the people that control that forum abandoned the interaction between visitors and made the site a traditional running site, albeit an excellent site. So, to continue the interaction that has proven valuable and interesting to me, and to provide a place for you to ask questions and share your experiences, I’ve created this forum.

Persons wishing to discuss running or walking should use the navigational bar at the top of each page to go to the page that most closely matches their topic of discussion. The person should then leave a comment that contains their contribution.


Interested in how an old geezer runs? Visit my running blog.

Interested in learning how to run without injury? Go to my training blog.